To build a 200 cubic meters/sec fresh water pipeline from Lisala, DRC to Lake Chad, to Libya; to Port Sudan and subsequently to Walvis Bay, Namibia
To improve the lives of the citizens of the DRC, CAR, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Libya, Namibia and Sudan
To provide training, jobs, housing and medical facilities along the pipeline route
To build an all-weather road and/or railroad from Lisala to Lake Chad, Libya, Port Sudan and Walvis Bay
To improve the infrastructure of the DRC, Chad, CAR, Libya, Namibia and Sudan
To provide the foundation and infrastructure for international commerce
The Congo River, which lies primarily within the borders of the DRC, is the second largest fresh water source in the world, second only to the Amazon River in South America. The Congo River has a median discharge of 35,000 cubic meters per second. The Okapi Pipelines will be designed to transport only a small percentage of the available water (approximately ½ of 1%) and will not negatively impact the ecosystem of the Congo River Basin. The pipelines will have a maximum capacity of 200 cubic meters per second. This is an annual supply of 6400 MCM of fresh water for the arid countries of North Africa. Construction of the four pipelines will take approximately seven to fifteen years to build and will cost approximately 20 to 25 Billion USD each.